Wednesday, December 23, 2009

CHRISTMAS FUN with my baby brother!

My brother just realized I was taking his picture he tries to be silly but still looks cool!

Cool Family pic I think

Checkin out the Sunset

Monday, November 23, 2009

ON THE VERGE ...of something great!



          really cant wait till this one hits it....its in his BONES!  plays a mean version of "baa baa black sheep" ~that's the rock version!...he has two different "takes"!

MY guitar HERO!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

...shapiros at the ranch

What a smooch!

So the weather was a lil "mushy" but made for good pics still!

Fun in the barn with the tractor!

"Cheesin it up one LAST time:)"

..the shapiro family

...more Shapiro

this "one" is just about my favorite to photograph..not only is she beautiful but she is SUPER girly ...complete with lipgloss, rings and necklaces! too funny! the "BIG TRACTOR"!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

..a few more j

pretty serious about the elephant:)!!!
looking High and Low! love this one...

...Jamison family

Love "angel" will here..hanging on for one more picture! where is his halo?
I ! for sure Love
Happy beautiful girl! my neighbors and my friends....Loved doing this!