Sunday, October 25, 2009



Carson loves trucks! My first memory of him is "trash DAY" he would be dying to see the
BIG when he saw this tire he was all over it!
Again really!
LOVE this kid and love this dimple! Cool fam of five!
Sweet brothers and sister!


SO ...Seriously this was sooo much fun! and this one right above is too much for words!
Watch out Daddy! this is her natural POSE! I LOVE IT! its as if she was made for this!
What a cute family! So fun!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

waiting for MIMI!...

So these are not images of QUALITY:) ..rather images of "quantity of LOVE" if you will!
I "shoo-d" her out of the kitchen because she was destroying everything and pulling things out of the pantry...and so I said "go see if Mimi's here!"....and she did!
this is her sooo excited face to see Mary pulling up...with her scraggily "piggies"..i thought it was too much! least for my sentimental"ness"!

Friday, October 23, 2009


some crazy monster teeth that are obviously a lil big
So inncocent and sweet...this is right after he broke two picture frames with a REAL baseball playing catch in the house!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

forgot how much i love this one!

COUSINS...the cutest kind!

I LOVE these two! Wish you could know how funny and smart and sassy they can be!
I hope Maclane has merely a portion of their personality someday!
(don't think we"ll have a problem there:)
I can't wait to see them again soon and take shots of their lovely faces

Monday, October 19, 2009

Alexa and Drew

funny big girl!

Family of Four

So my love for Tball is partly because of this precious kid...makes the game fun!

SERIOUS ABOUT TBALL MAN...cutest thing ever!

Make sure you check out older posts cause I'm ALL OVER the place here...learning as I go. Feel like a dinosaur here. like the song. My kid could do this in five minutes...he's FIVE!

I LOVE BASEBALL...but T-ball...its TOUGH! So I take pics to kill the time:)

SO ...Clearly this is a work in progress! and thanks to Amy ..its a work at all:) But, I LOVE taking pictures and it really is more than a hobby to me. More like "part of the day"! Ive always been that way even with my cheapo~ random camera in college. I now have boxes of pictures of the funniest things that I cannot bear to "put away". Have lots of you who have asked about lining things lets do it! I'm in love with those kiddos faces...their every feature and their many expressions. Holidays are coming and Im excited!

MOTHER/SON dance..Frisco Texas BABY! woo hoo!

SO it sounds kind of lameO to go to a dance with your mother!?..But this deal was really fun! The boys LOVED it...and they played lots of "relavent" tunes as opposed to "kidzbop" stuff!
My favs...SAM ~ CARSON ~CADE


love these two

MISS MEG my camera is like a magnet to her..seriously isn"t she beautiful?!!!

my baby


Guest Family