Monday, October 19, 2009

SO ...Clearly this is a work in progress! and thanks to Amy ..its a work at all:) But, I LOVE taking pictures and it really is more than a hobby to me. More like "part of the day"! Ive always been that way even with my cheapo~ random camera in college. I now have boxes of pictures of the funniest things that I cannot bear to "put away". Have lots of you who have asked about lining things lets do it! I'm in love with those kiddos faces...their every feature and their many expressions. Holidays are coming and Im excited!

1 comment:

  1. I am so totally amazed as we all are by all your gifts. This is a great one to share with the masses. Being on the other end of your camera for years... looks like it's all paying of. SO SO SO excited for your new/old venture. You take am amazing pictures!!! You are an amazing woman! love you.
